
Offering customized organization and design solutions for your home, studio, office and garden.

Professional Organization

Are you hoping to combat your clutter or simplify your space? We can help you find the calm that comes with intentional living or, when life happens unexpectedly, we can lend a hand. We can help you redefine an existing space or install a new solution to meet your needs. Below are some additional services we offer:

  • Packing and unpacking for a move

  • Document organization and management

  • Item donation, resale and relocation

  • Furniture and storage design and assembly

Garden Design & Implementation

Are you wanting to “grow your own” but find yourself overwhelmed and unsure of where to begin? Our garden design and implementation services can help you imagine a sustainable solution to producing your own herbs, fruits and vegetables. We can assist in the planning, design, and installation of raised bed, container or in-ground productive gardens. Below are some additional services we offer:

  • Seed starting and transplanting

  • Bed preparation and plant cultivation

  • Weed and integrated pest management

  • Harvest and post-harvest handling

  • “Garden-sitting” for when you’re away

Levels of Service

Seed Level

Small projects with minimal purchase needs - primarily focused on design and organization assistance. Ex: Small interior space like a closet or pantry; garden design or crop plan.

Estimated price range: $100-500

Sprout Level

Medium-sized projects that can significantly transform a space in 1-2 days with more material investments. Ex: Storage spaces like an attic or garage; raised-bed construction and seasonal maintenance.

Estimated price range: $500-1000

Blossom Level

Larger, multi-day projects involving major transformations and material investments. Ex: Frequently used spaces with customized needs like kitchens, offices and studios; full-scale garden design and implementation.

Estimate price range: $1000+

Service Partners

Book a Consultation

Complete our quick 10-minute questionnaire and we’ll schedule a consultation to walk you through every step of the process.