A Life Well-Lived Fund

At Seed & Blossom, we believe that everybody should benefit from productive, healthy and de-cluttered spaces - that is why we have created A Life Well-Lived Fund. Each time A Life Well-Lived Fund reaches a $500 threshold, we select a nominee to receive our services and/or materials at no cost.

Our recipients are nominated by peers and community members because they otherwise could not access professional services of this kind. We specifically honor low-income/single-parent families, adults with disabilities, and the elderly.

Want to contribute?

  • Complete the NOMINATION FORM to honor someone in your life.

  • Visit our Go Fund Me page to make a donation.

  • Shop local events like the CAQG Show.

  • Re-sale proceeds benefit A Life Well-Lived.


Cindy H.

“Laura helped me organize (purge) my home of 17 years to get ready for sale and then for an easy, organized move. Her vision of the space, clear communication about ‘the plan’ and emotional support during the process made it very DO-able. I am grateful for her help during what would have been an overwhelming process.”

Lori S.

“Our house was very cluttered and I was facing a knee replacement. Laura from Seed & Blossom made a huge difference in our home – she made sure that there was space for my medical equipment. She also removed a lot of obstacles to make it a safer place for me. Besides working on our living room, Laura also tackled my craft room. I had been saying I would organize it for the past five years but never did. It was a giant jumble of supplies and Laura worked very hard to put it in good order. She handled the trash, donations, and just about everything with our clean out. I felt very happy about how the house was reorganized because she was thorough.

She also has worked her magic in the kitchen and dining room. The pantry is very streamlined and useful and she also manage to create an office space for my husband from our spare room reorganization. The whole process wasn’t hard and she’s a very positive person to have in your corner. I’m hoping to have Laura work on our garage and perhaps create a garden area as well. I highly recommend her! She's very professional and, yes, organized!”